Berowra Rotary  - from Asquith to Brooklyn - our meetings are usually held the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at the Club Berowra (Berowra RSL Club), 997 Pacific Highway Berowra at 6.30pm for 7.00pm unless otherwise indicated.
We puchase a meal from the Bistro, eat together and usually have a guest speaker and discuss our projects. 
Visitors very welcome, please let Jemima Laughton know by the Friday before or the Monday morning before a meeting (0404 057 311).

Meetings in February 2025:

Tuesday 11: Diahanna Senko, The Australian Federation of Ukranian Organisations

Tuesday 25:
District Governor Nominee Michele Ellery
Meetings in March 2025: 

Berowra Rotary will  not meet in Berowra on Tuesday 11 as they will be attending a joint meeting of Rotary Clubs on
Tuesday 18 in Forestville

21-22 March: District Conference 

Tuesday 25: Reflections on Conference 


Do you want to give back to the community (from Asquith to Brooklyn) and make a difference in the world

Rotary is an international membership organisation of men and women who share a passion and commitment to enhancing communities and changing lives locally, nationally and internationally.

Rotary makes it easy to get involved and start making a difference today.


Contact: Peggy Sanders 0413 481 854 or Trevor Bailey 0400 999 226